Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Finger Painting

Let’s go back to the good old days, in the kindergarten classroom when we could use are fingers to paint and hung them up on our fridges.  Whatever happened to that? Those were great memories.  We were quite the artist’s back then, the ability to put our hands in the paint and really feel the colours.  Finger paint is defined as a kind of paint intended to be applied with fingers.  Small children usually use this technique, but recently adults have used it either to teach art to children or for personal use. 

In my opinion, we have over looked the importance of finger painting. It was one of the very first activities us children did when first starting kindergarten/school.   And I was interested in knowing why we don’t continue to expand our skills on finger painting.  I’m certain we would all find neat, new ways of painting, which would create great pieces.  Finger paint can be improved just like every other type of art.  Below are some examples I found in which finger painting is expressed differently to what we are use to.

So, art class!  What is your opinion on this topic?  Let me know what you think about finger painting by leaving a comment on the blog.  Thanks.

By: Yannick

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