Friday, October 14, 2011

17Unreal Body Paintings Artist: Alexa Meade

In art classes, we draw something on canvas from 3D to 2D. But Alexa Meade, 24-year-old artist, paints portraits reversely. This installation artist applies acrylic paints directly on her subjects, mostly real standing people, and makes the scene look a part of the 2D painting.  An art technique Trompe L’Oeil means ‘deceive the eye’ which involve exceedingly realistic effort to create the optical illusion; for instance, some pictures from Kyle’s street art are good examples of Trompe L’Oeil.
Trompe L'Oeil
Escaping Criticism-by Pere Borrell del Caso

Paris Eiffel Tower and a gap by Julian Beever
So, back to the discussion about Alexa Meade, her artworks are considered reverse Trompe L’Oeil. When we look at the photo, it seems as if the objects are optically compressed into two dimensional planes. 

This clip demonstrates her process: video clip

Alexa Meade has her B.A in political science from Vassar College, NY (2009).Yet she has never attended art school. In 2008, she started experimental art painting on people.

It was very difficult for me to choose just one subject to talk about art. Thinking what would be the most interesting to share about, I came across the idea of optical illusion. And I had to admit that the entire transformation of Meade’s process is remarkably impressing. In fact, Tromp L’Oeil technique is quite closely connected to our real life. (I guess at least one people from our class has seen a white t-shirt with a tie print.) Not only the images are quizzical and exciting, they are worthwhile producing if you are the one who likes to deceive the audience’s eyes like myself. For my fellow grade twelve art students, playing with art shouldn’t be remote within traditional framed styles.
You can check her out more on her website:

By: SoHee


  1. What an exciting and interesting artist! Thank you for sharing this with us SoHee. I always enjoy learning about new artists and their personal styles and techniques.

  2. wow cool style
    i want to try that someday

  3. dammm thats pretty cool . i wanna do that this year ms. sawka ! good job so hee

  4. SoHee you found an astouding artist.
    Keep up the great work.

  5. Alexa Meade is a really interesting artist. Her compositions look likethey coming out of the piece.
    - Amanda
