Thursday, October 6, 2011

Self-Portrait with Necklace of Thorns

Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Humming-bird
      “Self Portrait with Necklace of Thorns” 1940 

Frida Kahlo was born in Coyoacan, on July 6th 1907- July 13th 1954. Kahlo was one of four daughters born to a Hungarian-Jewish father and a mother with a Spanish and Mexican Indian descent.  She was best known for her incredible self-portraits. All her portraits are known for there “pain and passion” along with vibrant colors. Her work has sometimes been characterized as “Naïve art” or “Folk art”.  Frida, as a teenager suffered from problems that later turned into lifelong health problems. Kahlo said, “I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best. “ 

What I really like about Kahlo’s portraits is that she expresses her emotions throughout each one.  She used painting as a form of self-therapy. In Kahlo’s portrait “The Broken Column”, she shows the viewers that once again she’s all alone. Unlike in most of her other portraits she has either some sort of animal or an interesting background filled with leaves and plants.  The reason why she has all these straps holding her up is because she feels she has no one to help her therefore she has to do it alone, once again. This portrait is representing all the awful physical problems she’s had in the past, like when she was 18 and was seriously injured in a bus accident, leaving her with a fractured spine, collarbone and ribs, a shattered pelvis and a shoulder and foot injury.

Overall, I really enjoy all her pieces and find them very interesting. Over her life time she’s created around 200 paintings and drawing relating to her life experiences. She’s done 55 self-portraits, that all tell interesting stories about her physical and emotional pain. When asked why she had painted so many self-portraits, she once again replied with “because I am so often alone…because I am the subject I know best.

By: Maddy

“The Broken Column” 1944


  1. her painting makes me depressed haha

  2. Very interesting women! She lived an intriguing life; one in which she expressed her emotions and pain through art. I remember studying her work last year during our self-portrait unit.
    - Kyle

  3. I myself have enjoyed this post since Frida is an amazing artist with her pain and suffering of body influcing her art making it astouding. Good work maddy

  4. Frida Kahlo has been through so much. She really knewhow to use her emotions to create a thriving art piece. I think it isinteresting that she drew about her life as therapy. Her pieces are interestingto look at and depicted.
    - Amanda
